NutriClaim is a specialist provider of consultancy services pertaining to Nutrition Sciences and Regulatory Affairs, founded in 2007 by Stoffer Loman, PhD.

Stoffer is a trained nutritionist from Wageningen University. He was awarded a PhD while at the Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam. During his PhD candidacy, he was trained an immunologist.

For over 10 years he has been a lecturer on the topic ‘Immune system’ in one of the leading Dutch courses on Nutritional Medicine aimed at medical doctors en naturopaths and has published over 25 articles on the health benefits of food ingredients/nutraceuticals in a leading Dutch semi-scientific Journal of Nutritional Medicine.

Stoffer has gained in depth nutritional and medical knowledge, which he combines with a structured and thorough, yet investigative, creative and independent approach to become a successful co-creator in particularly complex projects such as substantiation of Health Claims and Novel Food applications. His innovative approach in creating new concepts at the interface of Nutrition and Health Sciences on the one hand and a stringent Regulatory Environment on the other has rendered his clients successful in achieving their regulatory goals.

On top of technical skills, Stoffer believes that professionalism, enthusiasm and empathy is at least equally important to create a fruitful environment for successful projects to materialize and for professional relationships to last.

We team up and make it work together!